Saturday, February 20, 2010

Difference Of Percocet And Roxicet If I Were To "Chew" 10mg Percocet Instead Of Swallowing It Whole What Will Be The Difference?

If I were to "Chew" 10mg Percocet instead of swallowing it whole what will be the difference? - difference of percocet and roxicet

Could be achieved faster? What would be the time to chew and start to feel the effects: (I needed a sermon) His research and personal knowledge. Thank you.


justinfr... said...

The difference would be negligible. Percocet no time release mechanism, such as OxyContin, which is released all the oxycodone, once the tablet dissolves.

Chew is a small difference, but the tablets dissolve in the stomach within minutes anyway. You should try this bitter taste chewable tablets, and all I get in return is, at best, perhaps, a limit of 5 minutes before impact. Not worth it, IMO.

Do not go on the negative impacts of recreational use of opioids as Percocet. They know the risks of tolerance, dependence and addiction.

That said, I do not know how much you take Percocet, but be careful, take as much paracetamol. 4000 mg per day is the maximum SuggDose of the composition. A single dose, I would not go more than 1500-2000mg. With the level of tolerance that can build up during a very short time, you can easily to the border. If this were the case, (the removal of cold water or a movement to Roxicodone, which is without acetaminophen oxycodone) is strongly recommended.

By comparison, 10 mg of Percocet tablets 325 mg or 650 mg acetaminophen contains (there are two different formulations). Discover what you have and make sure to stay below the limit of acetaminophen.

Penelope said...

I would vomit. Rips stomach.

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